General Considerations
- Ascaris lumbricoides (roundworm)
- Most common helminthic infestation in the world
- Usually asymptomatic and most common in children ages 1 to 10 years
- Most often found in distal small bowel
- Life cycle
- Infection is through contaminated soil
- Involves GI tract of host twice
- First time as egg
- Migrates through lungs
- Adult travels up trachea
- Returns to GI tract for maturation (2 months)
Clinical Findings
- Colicky pain
- Hematemesis
- Eosinophilia
- Cough and dyspnea
Imaging Findings
- Chest may show fleeting, patchy areas of airspace disease
- Long, tubular filling defects, especially in distal small bowel
- The worm ingests barium and the barium may be seen as a thin line of contrast in the center of the worm, especially after the remainder of the barium exits the small bowel.
- Ball of worms
- Filling defects in the biliary system
Differential Diagnosis
- Biliary colic
- Intestinal obstruction
- Community-acquired pneumonia
- Appendicitis
- Jaundice (if bile ducts are involved)
- Pneumonia
- Bowel perforation
- Mechanical obstruction
- Oral Albendazole is the drug of choice
- Vitamin supplementation
- 95% cure rate after single-dose drug administration with high re-infection if patient remains in endemic area
Ascariasis. There are serpiginous filling defects in the distal small bowel (red arrows)representing adult roundworms.
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Ascariasis. DR Haburchak. eMedicine